By AiEna | Saturday, 18 May 2013 | 10:59 | 0 Respon Dari korang
I'm such a dreamer and for sure my life full of dream. Everythings are dream and always dream. In my wishes just need all my dream come true soon. Not all, just a bit. Only one is too enough. But i dont think so that it will be. Keep on dreaming even it breaks our heart. For me, my dream makes up my future. When was the last time you did something for the first time?
I wanted a perfect ending. How I have learn the hard way. So don't give up to everybody because miracles happen every day. If dreams didn't scare us they're not big enough i guest. For sure, i always with my big dreams of something. Dream for tomorrow but live in today right? Dream doesn't exist, You must create it.
((Dear Pilot. Please be my future? Bring me around this world anytime everywhere. You will complete us. Seriously i adore you when completely in your uniform. You're my dream, please come true. ))
I wanted a perfect ending. How I have learn the hard way. So don't give up to everybody because miracles happen every day. If dreams didn't scare us they're not big enough i guest. For sure, i always with my big dreams of something. Dream for tomorrow but live in today right? Dream doesn't exist, You must create it.
((Dear Pilot. Please be my future? Bring me around this world anytime everywhere. You will complete us. Seriously i adore you when completely in your uniform. You're my dream, please come true. ))
Sekian Dari, AiEna